Training on Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance
Course Duration: One Day (4-sessions)
Lead Faculty :
Dr. R. R. LAKHE, Director, SQMS
Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) NITIE, B.E. (Mech), M.Tech.(Prod)., MBA, Dip. Trg. & Dev., M.A. (Socio) (Pub.Admt.), Qualified ISO 9001QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO-50001 EnMS& OHSAS18001 Lead Assessor, Master Black Belt Six Sigma
This course gives an introduction to the concepts and methods that lie behind TPM. Using the tried and tested JIPM approach, delegates will learn that TPM is much more than a maintenance technique and how it can become an organisation-wide improvement program. The course combines presentations, worked examples and practical application. Using a normal everyday example, a bicycle, some basic TPM concepts and techniques are explained and applied using the ‘Learning By Doing’ approach.
One of the main objectives of TPM is to increase the productivity of plant and equipment with a modest investment in maintenance. Total quality management (TQM) and total productive maintenance (TPM) are considered as the key operational activities of the quality management system. In order for TPM to be effective, the full support of the total workforce is required. This should result in accomplishing the goal of TPM: “Enhance the volume of the production, employee morale and job satisfaction.
Course topics covered include :
A) The concepts of TPM
B) 12 steps of deployment
C) Overlapping small groups
D) The 8 Pillars of TPM:
- Focused Improvement
- Autonomous Maintenance
- Planned Maintenance
- Training and Education
- Early Management
- Quality Maintenance
- 5 ‘S”
- Office TPM
- Safety, Health and Environment
Participants qualifying written examination shall be awarded certificate of successful completion of the course.
- The course is suitable for people who will be involved in the development, application and support of TPM within their organization. It is aimed at all levels from junior staff to senior management.
- Technical Managers
- Quality Engineering Team
- Quality Managers
- Laboratory Personnel
- Production Managers
- Quality Management Consultant
- Engineers
- Quality Control Executives
- Metrology/Standard room personnel
- S.Q.C/ SPC Team
- Students from Engineering, Management, and Science Streams.