91 - 712 - 2240012 / + 91 - 9822469560 info@sqmsindia.com / sqmslakhe@gmail.com

RCA (Root Cause Analysis)

Training on Root Cause Analysis

Course Duration: One Day
Lead Faculty :

Dr. R. R. LAKHE, Director, SQMS

Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) NITIE, B.E. (Mech), M.Tech.(Prod)., MBA, Dip. Trg. & Dev., M.A. (Socio) (Pub.Admt.), Qualified ISO 9001QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO-50001 EnMS& OHSAS18001 Lead Assessor, Master Black Belt Six Sigma


Solving problems is what managers do! This programme adds that extra dimension to a manager’s skill set – that of problem solving. There are many tools and techniques for managers related to the art of solving problems, from analytical technical Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to Creative Team techniques for idea generation. This programme seeks to give attendees an overview of the range of techniques available and show managers how then can be used in a business setting to increase performance and improve personal development.

  • Enhance problem solving effectiveness by providing a model for more deeply analyzing problem situations.
  • Clarify the difference between analytical and creative thinking, and when each is most useful.
  • Promote the ability to provide problem-solving support in situations where one is not an expert in the process or technology involved.
  • Expand the range of tools available for analysis of problem situations.
  • Understand the importance of using a structured approach to investigate problems
  • Analyze evidence and other information using a range of systematic techniques- Fish Bone Diagram, Pareto Diagram, FMEA, Casual Tree Diagram & Why – Why analysis
  • Present the incident causes clearly using a range of charting techniques
  • Identify the immediate and underlying causes
  • Generate and evaluate potential solutions
  • Make recommendations to prevent recurrence

Participants qualifying written examination shall be awarded certificate of successful completion of the course.

  • Technical Managers
  • Quality Engineering Team
  • Quality Managers
  • Laboratory Personnel
  • Production Managers
  • Quality Management Consultant
  • Engineers
  • Quality Control Executives
  • Metrology/Standard room personnel
  • S.Q.C/ SPC Team
  • Students from Engineering, Management, and Science Streams.