Training on Process Mapping
Course Duration: One Day
Lead Faculty :
Dr. R. R. LAKHE, Director, SQMS
Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) NITIE, B.E. (Mech), M.Tech.(Prod)., MBA, Dip. Trg. & Dev., M.A. (Socio) (Pub.Admt.), Qualified ISO 9001QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO-50001 EnMS& OHSAS18001 Lead Assessor, Master Black Belt Six Sigma
Structural analysis of a process flow (such as an order-to-delivery cycle), by distinguishing how work is actually done from how it should be done, and what functions a system should perform from how the system is built to perform those functions. In this technique, main activities, information flows, interconnections, and measures are depicted as a collage on a large sheet of (commonly brown) paper, with different colored ‘Post-it’ notes or slips of paper. This graphic representation allows an observer to ‘walk-through’ the whole process and see it in its entirety.
When you begin looking at a service process with the intention of improving it, it is important to start out by developing a better understanding of how the process works, and what goes into and comes out of it. A good place to start is by creating a process map. This is a pictorial representation of a process, made up of a variety of graphical symbols and connecting arrows, which show the stream of activities and decision points that make up the process.
Upon completion the participant will be able to, among others:
- To increase process efficiency
- To reduce wastage in the process
- To improve process effectiveness
- To reduce operational cost
- To make work simpler and easier
1. Understanding Process
What is Process?/ Process Sequence/ Process and SOP/
Process Input: Man/ Machine /Material /Methods &Environment
Process Output:Quality/Cost / Delivery/ Safety & Morale
2. Process Waste
• Process and Operational Waste
• The 4M Checklist
3. Process Mapping Tools
• Types of Symbols
• Flow Process Chart
4. Steps in Process Mapping
Step 1 : Developing process check sheet
Step 2 : General process information
Step 3 : List down processes/activities in sequence
Step 4 : Identify process with symbols
Step 5 : Calculate time and distance
Step 6 : Eliminate non-productive processes/activities and cost
5. Techniques for Process Improvement
Applying Questioning Techniques to challenge the following area of work:The Purpose/ The Place/ The Sequence/ The Person/ The Means
The ECRS Approach: Eliminate/ Combine/ Rearrange/ Simplified
Checklist: Man/ Machine / Materials / Methods & Environment /Quality/ Cost/ Delivery/ Safety/ Morale
Participants qualifying written examination shall be awarded certificate of successful completion of the course.
All levels of Executives and non-Executives involved in operation management.
- Technical Managers
- Quality Engineering Team
- Quality Managers
- Laboratory Personnel
- Production Managers
- Quality Management Consultant
- Engineers
- Quality Control Executives
- Metrology/Standard room personnel
- S.Q.C/ SPC Team.
- Students from Engineering, Management, and Science Streams.