Training on 5 S And Kaizen
Course Duration: Two Days
Lead Faculty :
Dr. R. R. LAKHE, Director, SQMS
Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) NITIE, B.E. (Mech), M.Tech.(Prod)., MBA, Dip. Trg. & Dev., M.A. (Socio (Pub.Admt.), Qualified ISO 9001QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO-50001 EnMS & OHSAS18001 Lead Assessor, Master Black Belt Six Sigma
Kaizen activities provide immediate and tangible process improvement results which ultimately flow through to the customer. The methodologies are team based events aimed at implementing rapid improvements to a process using Lean methods.
The 5S methodology focuses upon the effective organization and standardization of workplace processes. 5S aims to simplify your workplace environment and assists with the reduction of wastage and other forms of non-value adding activities whilst improving quality, effectiveness, process efficiencies and employee safety.
- Purpose and benefits of Systematic Working and Continual Improvement.
- Interpret the concept of 5S & Kaizen.
- Understanding 5S in step wise manner and implementing the same for systematic working.
- Understanding Kaizen in step wise manner and implementing the same for continual Improvement.
5S, Kaizen course is divided into 2 modules covers
MODULE 1 ( 5S )
Introduction to Lean Manufacturing 5S
The principles and practices of 5S:
- Safety & Sense
- Items to be aware while doing 5S activities.
- Personal protection in shop floor and recognition of dangerous items.
- Seiri
- Seiton
- Seiso
- Seiketsu
- Shitsuke
MODULE 2 ( Kaizen )
- Fundamental concepts
1. Introduction to Kaizen
2. Introduction to Change Management and Kaizen Terms
3. Incremental and breakthrough improvements
- KAIZEN opportunity tools
1. Run/ control charts and capability study
2. 3Ms (Muda, Mura, Muri), 5S
3. Value Stream Map
- KAIZEN Analysis and Improvement Tools
1. PDCA, QC story and 7QC tools (Problem-solving and Improvement Tools)
2. FMEAs, Brainstorming Techniques, FVSM
3. Quick changeover /SMED, Visual controls
4. Streamlined layout, Cellular/flow, Pull/Kanban
5. Poka Yoke, Administrative functions
The 5S, Kaizen course is designed to take advantage of the traditional as well as modern concepts.
The learning involves following steps:
- Self study
- Assignments
- implementing a real-life project (optional)
- The interactive games/ exercises are included to facilitate learning.
Participants qualifying written examination shall be awarded certificate of successful completion of the course.
- Managers / Executives / Professionals / Supervisors from Production, Planning, Quality, Administration, Commercial,
- Students and Graduates from Arts, Commerce, Science, Engineering, Management, Pharmaceuticals etc